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Live On! is a one-year Erasmus+ project whose objective is to train twenty-four young people in the writing, technical editing and broadcasting of their own radio podcast on the theme "better living together in Europe".
In a context of incessant crisis (pandemic, wars, ecological emergency), young Europeans do not have sufficient access to spaces of expression and exchange that are positively engaging. Alarmed by their own experiences and the numerous research carried out by the institutions with the young generation, the project partners themselves interviewed around twenty young Europeans about their feelings in the current climate. Their answers are clear: fear, anxiety, and pessimism are the words that stand out the most.
Within the Live On! project, we are convinced that young people are best placed to re-create enthusiastic and committed discourses on the future of their territory(ies) and of Europe, to share solutions sustainable and innovative, synonymous with hope and not termination. They still need to be able to express themselves in caring and democratic spaces ready to welcome them.
We believe that radio constitutes the most relevant medium for these young people, allowing them to create links beyond borders, in cities and the countryside, without distinction of class, gender or race.
The project begins in May 2023 and ends in May 2024.
4 European artistic structures are brought together in this Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership: ALTER EGO (X) - Annecy, France, Euradio - Nantes, France, Kulturanova - Novi Sad, Serbia, Radio Banda Larga APS - Turin, Italy
Support: Erasmus + France Youth & Sport Agency
June 21, 2023 - Launch of Live On!
Project preparation visit to Sample in Bagnolet (93) - with representatives of partner organizations: Banda Larga APS, Italy; ALTER EGO (X), France; euradio!, France; Kulturanova Serbia
November 7, 2023 - First virtual mobility
February 12, 2024 - Second virtual mobility
Online workshops with young Italians, French and Serbians participating in the project.
The workshops include theater exercises, time for discussion, information and the development of podcasts and live radio shows.
March 24 to April 1, 2024 - Mobility - Radio Banda Larga APS - Turin, Italy
Creation of podcasts, live radio shows and a project portfolio
Theater workshops
Youth Pass certification
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